

Marcela Lucatelli can already be hailed as one of the most innovative vocalists and composers of her generation. Lucatelli has earned international recognizement for her extremely original, sensuous and politically charged performance works.

Born in Brazil and based in Denmark and Italy, her pieces have been performed by some of the most edgy ensembles in the world such as Apartment House (England), Mocrep (USA), Hidden Mother (Sweden) and herself, at diverse festivals and international events such as Nordic Music Days, FILE - Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletronica, Darmstadt Internationale Ferienkurse fur Neue Musik, Copenhagen Jazz Festival, WOMEX, Áudio Insurgência, Waverly Festival NYU, among other events worldwide.  

Her critically acclaimed first album PHEW! - The Last Guide for a Western Obituary shows her notorious vocal skills and conceptual irony synthesized in groundbreaking contrasts and unclassifiable grooves.


Marcela Lucatelli
marcelalucatelli at gmail.com